"In A Fog"-Landscape Photography

In A Fog

Captured 3-28-20 7:30 Pm

Late in the day yesterday, some fog rolled into parts of Milwaukee. Driving back from Costco, I got excited l got excited thinking about creating some beautiful atmospheric landscape photos. I love the visual atmosphere created by fog. I captured this scene an hour earlier, but there wasn’t as much fog, and it didn’t quite express the feeling I’d hoped to capture. At 7:30 I decided to call it quits and headed home. On my way back I crossed this bridge again and noticed the fog had thickened. I thought it was an appropriate expression, as this strange Covid time we are all in right now can seem pretty surreal…a bit like living in a fog. Sony A7R4, Zeiss/Contax 35-70mm. 5 Seconds F11, ISO100.

Blog-Stories , lessons, and discussion behind my fine art landscape and nature photography.